Hi and welcome! I’m so glad you’re here. I am a holistic wellness coach, author, and photographer.

With a background in both the Western medical world and alternative health, I employ my wealth of knowledge, formal education, and life experience to identify the keys to helping you get unstuck and achieve your dreams.

After many years traveling and living around the globe, I again reside in my native state of Michigan with my partner, four cats, two dogs, and one snake.

I have a deep and enduring love for our planet and wild places, and greatly enjoy sharing my photography of the beautiful world of nature just outside our doors. A portion of profits from photography sales are donated to support the preservation of our Great Lakes, some of the largest fresh water lakes in the world.

Why nature photography? Simply because I know that when I have a difficult phone call to make, if I step outside, I can speak from my heart. I know that if I take 15 minutes during my day to get away from the screen, and walk – even just up the road and back – I have a bit more clarity when I return.

I know that when I cannot find a moment to step away, when I cannot escape my confines, I can carry a gem in my pocket or have a stone on my desk, and find comfort in the way it feels in my hand.

In our modern world we can so easily lose ourselves, and it’s important to keep finding ourselves again and again – to unearth what gets buried in the day to day, what goes missing in our attempts to do so much, what gets lost when our focus is on the minutia of daily life. Even just a moment, a focused breath, can help bring us back to ourselves. And nature helps me breathe, and just be.

Be sure to sign up for the Monday Mindset email series; this is a full year of one-minute nature videos, combined with a bit of thoughtful writing, to bring you a small moment of calm and quiet to your life on the weekly.

I am also a creative writer (in addition to the “self-help books” I share here). I love to write and explore my inner world with words. If you like to read creative non-fiction, prose, and other explorations of the written word, follow me on Medium! I am honored to have you as a reader!

Wherever you are on your journey, whatever your dreams, we can walk together on your path to achieving the life you desire.

Ready to transform your life?